Nicknamed the Iron lady(hehe i can just imgine alikua anawakimbizaje na kuwatoaje jasho vilaza kwenye cabinet...
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died on April 8 at the age 87. Tough and outspoken, she was the only woman to hold the nation's top position. During her three terms in office, she transformed her country and became a political icon. Uwiii heshima yake huyu mama.
She is the only woman whose impact is still being argued about...
However as i was watching bbc news jana nikakutana na vitu viwili ambavyo naeza sema kua inaligawa taifa la britain,,naongelea point namba 2..
- First of all, the queen her royal highnes"she is high eeh)attended her funeral kuonyesha kwamba she respected the leagacy left behind by this lady......as inasemekana kua huu ni msiba wa pili yeye kuattend baada ya miaka ka 50 au mitano(forgive my ears ouh abeg) of which the last funeral she attended was of one of the battlers of world war II (Chochou"heheh ndo jina hilo kagoogle ujue kuliandika...
- AS her home town lined up to sign her funeral book in remembrace of her some other part of the country were celebrating her death(imagine this)...si nkaona mwanamama mmoja akisema yeye kafurahishwa na kifo cha huyu mama as alikua akiwakandamiza maskini...heeeee...nkabaki mdomo wazi.
Maana misiba mingi mtu akifaraki peopleeee....watu,,,wanatabia ya kufichua mengi kuhususiana na marehemu,,,yaani if you did not know the hidden vitu about someone wait afariki...duuu...
To me naona hii kitu si nzuri, when someone dies, if you do not have anything beautful to say about them it is better to keep quiet, go burry your bad words in the toilet.
Rest in peace Mama...
Sisi tutaiga mfano bora toka kwako....
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