Her name is Thabiso Siswana,24 year old she is not just a typical sangoma but also a corporate administrator at Bidvest Bank, one of South Africa's best known and most prestigious institutions and has dreams of becoming a successful businesswoman..
Siswana responded to the call of being a sangoma after running from it several years..
The story..
Ms Siswana is one of thousands of young men and women who are balancing the demands of a career with the calling to be a messenger for deceased ancestors, or "amadlozi".
Sangomas are believed to be essentially diviners - a channel between the physical world and the afterlife.
Ms Siswana says her "gift" is interpreting other people's dreams, as well as dreams that predict the future.
She further says that""We are Christians at home and we go to church like everyone else. We pray to God as the source of everything. I believe that being a sangoma is simply a gift that God has given me through my ancestors," she says.
On the weekend of her initiation last year, she was given a herb that put her into a trance, a state in which she needed to go looking for her sacrificial goat, which the elders had hidden from her within the surroundings of her home along with other objects. She was able to find them and this was seen as proof of her ability "see" beyond the physical world.
"The ancestors guided me to where the items were, you do not graduate until you are able to 'see' through them. This skill is important when we consult with patients," she explains.
This young woman has been around sangomas all her life - her mother Makhosazana Moloi has been a traditional healer for more than 20 years.
She runs an initiation school for sangomas in her home and says she always knew her daughter had been chosen.
"As a child, Thabiso would often have vivid dreams. She would get warnings or messages from animals [which signify ancestors] about what was going to happen or was happening in our lives," says her mother.
She further says,,"A sangoma is not a witch - a sangoma is pure and does good”...do we agree on this????"The problem is the misinterpretation of what a sangoma is. People due to their lack of knowledge think witch doctors, witches and sangomas are all the same thing and they are not," says Ms Moloi.
The other distinction is that traditional healers use herbs, plants and some animal skin in the muthi (medicines), whereas witch doctors are said to also use human body parts, meaning they are sometimes implicated in murders.
Hee...nimetoa macho na hii story...
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