The Chinese baby saved from the toilet....



Binti wa miaka 22 anasemekana ndo mama wa huyu mtoto..ambaye anajitetea ni bahati mbaya lakini its hard to take it....
Oh angepea mimi tu ,,,the baby is adorable....
Haki wadada msifanye haya...


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Trust on the "the behind the Scene Help from God...

I learned a long time ago that God doesn’t need my help.
He’s got it all figured out.
He knows the end from the beginning.
All we have to do is trust Him.
You don’t have to try to force doors to open.
You don’t have to try to make people like you or manipulate your way into a friendship or a job position.
Just keep honoring God with your life, stay in peace and trust His timing.
Wait for Him because He will open doors that no man can shut. He’ll bring amazing people across your path. He’ll defeat your enemies and get you to where you’re supposed to be.
Don’t go around birthing Ishmael’s when God wants to give you Isaac’s.
Trust that He is working behind the scenes and don’t miss out on the very best that He has in store for you!


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Rest in Peace Ngwair..

So sad kusikia Albert Mangwair kaiaga dunia....
Even more sad kusikia kaiaga akiwa hayuko vizuri..
Tanzania imepoteza sauti nyingine.......
Nilipenda sana venye Ngwair alikua akiimba, the way alifloor kwa verses na sauti yake adimu...
Well kazi ya Mungu haina makosa...
Rest in peace Ngwair...
One of his item that I loved the most..
Lala salama Ngwair..

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This thing called "Discpline"

THERE IS A very close relationship between discipline, minimum personal standards, and routine. Put together, the three shape your success or failure. It is amazing the many things you would do and achieve if only you were disciplined enough.

It is even more pitiful to see brilliant minds and careers go to waste due to lack of discipline. It is sad to see good relationships and friendships going to waste because, again, of lack of discipline.

Discipline is the very first step in management, starting by self-management before you can talk of managing anything else. We spend huge numbers of hours and resources acquiring this and that qualification, but hugely fail to invest in equal measure, or even less, in personal discipline.

That is where it starts
The interesting bit is that most people tend to associate discipline with children and youngsters, generally. Yes, that is where it starts. However, it is definitely not where it stops. You can imagine the look on the face of a father or mother — indeed any grownup — on being told he or she is undisciplined. Yet the person is, indeed, undisciplined. 

You know you are not disciplined if you are unable to stick to simple routines that you have set for yourself for improvement. It could be a basic physical exercise regime or a decision to read or watch an interesting or informative program or video. You promise yourself to do it. If you cheat yourself, you are undisciplined.

Take any small excuse
You are in disciplined if you tend to take any small excuse not to complete some task and are always procrastinating. You are undisciplined when you start something, a project or some other initiative, but you do it in half measure and, therefore, do not allow it to reach its full potential. You lack the discipline to go the full length. You are missing huge opportunities that you will later regret having lost. 

You are responsible for your personal minimum standards. You define them, you commit to live by them. But somewhere, along the line, you fall by the way side. Such is indiscipline. You are even more undisciplined if you do not define any minimum standards for yourself and, therefore, live by whatever there is.

Moderation is crucial
You know you are undisciplined if you overindulge. It does not matter in what. Whatever it is that you do, moderation is important. It might surprise you that even with work, there must be a difference between overindulgence and whole-heartedness. If you do things such that other important tasks are forgotten, that is overindulgence. 

Nothing great was ever achieved without discipline. And it all starts with very simple choices, decisions, and routines. While we can never be perfect, we must commit ourselves to conscious choice and effort to do the right thing at the right time. That is discipline — informed choice. 

Thanks for the article..


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Doing what you must not what you feel like...

Too many people are driven by their feelings. They do things when they feel like and they ignore those that they do not feel like doing.

Yet success is reserved for those who do things as demanded and not as felt.

Ordinary people make decisions based on conditions, but there is another level where you create the conditions you want by your decisions, regardless of how you feel. Until you master your feelings, you will never fully arrive at your destination in life.

There is a season and a time for every purpose: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to harvest; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. When the time for something comes, it no longer matters how we feel about it. We just have to get up and do it.

Some people did not feel like going to school when they should have gone. It affected the outcome of their lives. Some people did not feel like working when they should have done so, and it ultimately affected the outcome of their lives.

What time is it in your life right now? What needs to be done in this season of your life
Once you locate what needs to be done, then you need to silence the voice of feeling. Learn to practice this with non-life threatening things. Maybe you decided to jog in the morning. When you get up and you don’t feel like jogging, jog anyway. The ramifications are beyond the jogging experience. You are taming the voice of feelings.

Simple...program your time to sleep and time to wake up, remember your destiny is tied on how much you can conquer sleep and the feeling of wanting to stay in bed.
Staying in bed might provide me a perfect present, but getting up and reading and researching and doing what I need to do will guarantee me a better future than my present. These thoughts became pictures in my mind and became my motivation for getting up.

Usually, the activities that lead to a future better than your present are never pleasant. They are demanding duties that you will not naturally feel like doing. This is one of the differentiating factors between super successful people and the others.

Those who wait for perfect conditions will never get anything done. Those who wait to feel before they act will never amount to much. There is a higher level of existence that supersedes the way we feel.

Triumph of duty over feeling is best expressed in movies about presidents – especially US presidents. The job of the presidential security is very simple: take a bullet for your boss even if you did not vote for him and even if you do not like him. Now that takes the taming of feelings to a whole new level.
A time comes in our lives when our advancement will be hinged on our ability to overcome our feelings and do the things that we do not feel like doing but which we must do.

We will often have to work with and do business with people we don’t like. We will sometimes be expected to submit to bosses we don’t like.

If we allow ourselves to be driven by how we feel, progress will elude us. We must get to that place in our lives where we choose to become comfortable with some things that we are not comfortable with, in order to secure our long term comfort. It is called paying the price.

Maybe it is time we view more situations in similar context. Then we will truly have our feelings properly tucked up where they belong. Then we will truly be in control of our lives.

Many thanks to J.K for sharing this article...
It has given me something,,hope it will reach others too.

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the sunday African "honeyheart"

She is an African honey heart...proudly in Africa,,West Africa..
Well she got a reality show inaitwa "pillow talks",,itafute online if interested..

Africa is blessed...


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The unswered qns on the "woolwich Killing."

The article is as per LIB
Another article by Femi Fani Kayode.
Were they cultivated, ”programmed” and used by agents of the illuminati in the British establishment to carry out this gruesome operation and this monstrous sacrifice?
Some things just don’t add up when it comes to the Woolwich killings. There are certainly more questions than answers. Let us examine the facts. An off-duty British soldier by the name of Lee Rigby was walking down the street in the charming and peaceful London suburb of Woolwich. All of a sudden, and out of the blue, he was randomly selected and run over by a car which was being driven by two young black men. After they hit him to the ground with the car the two young men jumped out of it, armed with matchetes, knives, a rusty old pistol and a meat cleaver, and in a deep and uncontrollable frenzy amidst shouts of ”Allahu Akbar”, proceeded to take his precious life by carving him up, mutilating him, butchering him and beheading him in full public glare.

Read more under this link

hii inatisha..

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Best Time to Communicate with God...

Morning devotion is the most important thing each and everyone should is simply having Your time with your creator...Early in the morning is the best and only time you can have a real conversation with God..
Am talking about 5:00a.m hata 6:00 for the sleep lovers but make sure you have enough time that will not make you worry about being late to ur daily tasks..

It is soo important before your C.P.U process anything it starts by procesing the it is said we can only live by the WORD,,am talking about God's word...
I always get peace n my day goes so right when i start my day with God as i believe that God is in control and taking care of all troubles, challenges that were meant to happen.....

Happy sabbath..Happy day my friends..
Let love lead..

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Photo: THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF LOVE “Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”  Love brought us into being. It is the greatest, the golden thread that links all of creation. We are therefore love’s products – the sons and daughters of love.   We are called to do love, act love and let love lead. Remember the word of Jesus – love your enemies. In life, I have never seen where hatred overcomes love. Love therefore becomes our protection against the hatred of the adversary. When you love, you overcome for hatred is powerless in the face of love’s power and armour.   Sons and daughters of love, we know ourselves. We are never anxious for anything. We are not jealous, envious, proud or self-centred. We do not hold malice or remember faults. Rather, love cares more for others than for self. Love does not want what it does not have. Love is positive; it does not want anything negative. Love is good; it does not want anything bad. Love does not want hatred because love is love. Love stoops; it comes down to the level of every person. Love doesn't belittle anyone. Love doesn't force itself on others. Love puts up with anything, meaning love is tolerant. Love is determined. Love perseveres for the best which is yet to come. Love is God; God is love. He that abides in love abides in God and God abides in him. These are the sons and daughters of love.
“Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
Love brought us into being. It is the greatest, the golden thread that links all of creat...
ion. We are therefore love’s products – the sons and daughters of love.

We are called to do love, act love and let love lead. Remember the word of Jesus – love your enemies. In life, I have never seen where hatred overcomes love. Love therefore becomes our protection against the hatred of the adversary. When you love, you overcome for hatred is powerless in the face of love’s power and armour.

Sons and daughters of love, we know ourselves. We are never anxious for anything. We are not jealous, envious, proud or self-centred. We do not hold malice or remember faults. Rather, love cares more for others than for self. Love does not want what it does not have. Love is positive; it does not want anything negative. Love is good; it does not want anything bad. Love does not want hatred because love is love. Love stoops; it comes down to the level of every person. Love doesn't belittle anyone. Love doesn't force itself on others. Love puts up with anything, meaning love is tolerant. Love is determined. Love perseveres for the best which is yet to come. Love is God; God is love. He that abides in love abides in God and God abides in him. These are the sons and daughters of love.
Nice one

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Tafakari ya leo..


Ndoa nyingi hazidumu kwa sababu kabla ya kufunga ndoa watu wanakuwa Obssesed na Wedding Ceremony Imaginations, bila kujua Ndoa inaenda mbali zaidi..!
Kuna Ndoa na kuna Harusi... Wengi mnapenda zaidi harusi, na mnapowaza Ndoa picha inayowajia ni Suti kali, Bonge la Shela kutoka Uturuki, Make Up ya uk...

weli ya Bibi harusi kutoka Maznat Mikocheni, Mashosti kuingia ukumbini na Wimbo wa Alingo, Wanafiki kukomeshwa kwa jinsi pati yako itakavyokuwa kali pale Diamond Jubilee Hall..
Je, umewahi kuwaza Mmeo au mkeo akiumwa miaka 5 mfululizo utaweza kumvumilia? Umewahi kuwaza Watoto watakapozaliwa na ulemavu utawa-care namna gani? Mtakapokosa watoto miaka 6 ya ndoa utahimili maneno ya Mama Mkwe na Mawifi kwamba unawajazia Choo cha kaka yao na huna kizazi? Ndoa ni zaidi ya Sherehe ya Harusi.
Baada ya yale Matarumbeta kuzimika usiku kifuatacho ni Majukumu mazito na Kiapo kisichovunjika. Achana na Fantasy za Kwaito, waza mbali kidoogo...
Je, Uko tayari kuwa Mme au Mke wa mtu mmoja tu au Ma-Ex watarejea kidogo kidogo kama hupati Satisfaction ya kutosha kama ya Ex wako?
Huwa mnawaza hayo au mnawaza Zawadi ya Kamati itatoa Verossa ya kuanzia maisha? Sidhani...
Kabla ya kuoa na kuolewa jiulize, Unatamani Ndoa au ni tamaa ya Sherehe ya Harusi...?

Tafakari,,,chukua hatua.....

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Nice pose....

Photo: Peter with his alingolicious boy

Simply loved the pose...

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My Sincere Love to my Parents....

So my dad calls me today and we super haaaaapppy.....
Love this man so much...
and now wanna give A big shout to my dad and mama...
You are so good to me mpaka i feel like being a good daughter is not enough,,,
Everytime you shower me with great care, you shake out that "kafeeling in me" ...the kaguilty feeling of not being able to repay the great love and care you have given me since you brought me into this world mpaka sasa a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig girl"lady"...
It is never enough to thank you for always being so concerned about me, for always wishing the best for me, for correcting me without painting anything that is really black....
Dad, will always treasure the "strictness" in you to us, without that i would have been a really really BAD BAD girl...,,you pushed me to do a little better than i would have done without that push....
Mama,, as a woman, there are principles to be followed and you made sure i followed,,,yaani hakuna kuzembea ukiwa home,,,,
Dad and Mom,,you have always communicted with eyes and i would know what you mean,,,a language that you only spoke and my sisters and i would understand what you mean..
Thanks for this....

Pure love is what we can get from parents, just dont know how life would be without love from our parents..,
Awareness is what they bring to our eyes, the only people who can tell you the truth for your betterment
Respect, is what every true parent teaches his/her cnnpt get along with anyone without respect
Everything,,,parents are just everything in our lives

Eish....msilale saana..
Malizia the three letters..

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This is how "to be a man"

So am studying about "Men"...
Eish,,someone must be wondering what is goin on in my head..but then i found this,
 how to be a man
A Man carries cash.
A man looks out for those around him — woman, friend, stranger.
A man can cook eggs.
A man can always find something good to watch on television.
A man makes things — a rock wall, a table, the tuition money. Or he rebuilds — engines, watches, fortunes. He passes along expertise, one man to the next. Know-how survives him.   
A man fantasizes that kung fu lives deep inside him somewhere.
A man knows how to sneak a look at cleavage and doesn't care if he gets busted once in a while.
A man is good at his job. Not his work, not his avocation, not his hobby. Not his career. His job. It doesn't matter what his job is, because if a man doesn't like his job, he gets a new one.
A man can look you up and down and figure some things out. Before you say a word, he makes you. From your suitcase, from your watch, from your posture. A man infers.
A man grasps his mistakes. He lays claim to who he is, and what he was, whether he likes them or not.Some mistakes, though, he lets pass if no one notices. Like dropping the steak in the dirt.
A man loves the human body, the revelation of nakedness. He loves the sight of the pale breast, the physics of the human skeleton, the alternating current of the flesh. He is thrilled by the snatch, by the wrist, the sight of a bare shoulder. He likes the crease of a bent knee. When his woman bends to pick up her underwear, he feels that thrum that only a man can feel.
A man doesn't point out that he did the dishes.
A man looks out for children. Makes them stand behind him. 
 A man welcomes the coming of age. It frees him. It allows him to assume the upper hand and teaches him when to step aside.
Maybe he never has, and maybe he never will, but a man figures he can knock someone, somewhere, on his ass.   
A man gets the door. Without thinking.
He stops traffic when he must.   
A man knows his tools and how to use them — just the ones he needs. Knows which saw is for what, how to find the stud, when to use galvanized nails.   
A man knows how to lose an afternoon. Drinking, playing Grand Theft Auto, driving aimlessly, shooting pool.
He knows how to lose a month, also.
A man listens, and that's how he argues. He crafts opinions. He can pound the table, take the floor. It's not that he must. It's that he can.
A man is comfortable being alone. Loves being alone, actually. He sleeps.
Or he stands watch. He interrupts trouble. This is the state policeman. This is the poet. Men, both of them.
A man loves driving alone most of all.
Style — a man has that. No matter how eccentric that style is, it is uncontrived. It's a set of rules.
He understands the basic mechanics of the planet. Or he can close one eye, look up at the sun, and tell you what time of day it is. Or where north is. He can tell you where you might find something to eat or where the fish run. 
A man does not know everything. He doesn't try. He likes what other men know.
A man can tell you he was wrong. That he did wrong. That he planned to. He can tell you when he is lost. He can apologize, even if sometimes it's just to put an end to the bickering.
A man does not wither at the thought of dancing. But it is generally to be avoided.
A man watches. Sometimes he goes and sits at an auction knowing he won't spend a dime, witnessing the temptation and the maneuvering of others. Sometimes he stands on the street corner watching stuff. This is not about quietude so much as collection. It is not about meditation so much as considering.
 A man refracts his vision and gains acuity. This serves him in every way.  No one taught him this — to be quiet, to cipher, to watch. In this way, in these moments, the man is like a zoo animal: both captive and free. You cannot take your eyes off a man when he is like that. You shouldn't. The hell if you know what he is thinking, who he is, or what he will do next


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20 Things to do before age 30..

Dont wait to reach the age 30 and start lamenting why you did not live your dream, why you did not do alot of things which you should have done...let the word " i wish i should have done" be a vocabulary to you...

lets get down the countdown..

1. Be more outgoing. meet people, socialize, know the worldget opportunities, give ideas, grow!!!.....just a simple rule.. “Engage!”..

2. Ask about family history. ask your parents more questions about your family history while you can,still have them,we sometimes get so involved with our own life, and we focus in making them proud but we forget to ask em even for the basic questions, like how they met, what their first date was like, and so forth., please do while you can
3. Become financially literate. mmmh kosea vyote but ikija kwenye mahesabu have an A+....even when you cannot manage your accounts and whatever always  “Trust, but verify.” boss doesnt have a bachelor in commerce but he knows Accounts well even better than me.. 
4. Play the piano. get the connection...find the secret behind the Piano...infact go find and find  music school and ask the secret hidden in the piano.. 

5. Learn French. hehe,,its an additional language... The language seems so sophisticated and mysterious...(am learning portuguese,,,heheh)

6. Get handy. some people always want to be the one of those guys who, whenever something doesn’t work, straps on a tool belt and says, “I’ll fix it.”.."the complete self-reliance people". we cant do everything on our own, we need a second hand at tymz..use it!!

7. Be patient. Impatience is the official language of youth. When you’re young, you want to rush to the next thing before you even know where you are.
“Talent hits the target no one else can hit; genius hits the target no one else can see.” I think the key to seeing the target no one else can see is in being patient, waiting for it to appear so you can do the right thing, not just the expedient thing. Learning to wait is one of the greatest accomplishments one can have.

8. Listen more than talk. ....let the ears work more than the mouth//lips.
9. Career is never as important as family. The better you are at your job, the more you’re rewarded, financially and spiritually, by doing it. You know how to solve problems for which you receive praise and money. Home life is more chaotic. Solving problems is less prescriptive and no one’s applauding or throwing money if you do it right. That’s why so many young professionals spend more time at work with the excuse, “I’m sacrificing for my family.” Bullshit. Learn to embrace the chaos of family life and enjoy the small victories.(loved this...)

10. Being right is not always the right thing to be. learn to step away. You think being honest immunizes you from the consequences of what you say. Remember Paul Simon’s lyrics, “There’s no tenderness beneath your honesty.” So maybe it’s not that important to win an argument, even if you “know” you’re right. Sometimes it’s more important to try a little tenderness.

11. Cook more. my brothers, cook for em at tymz,,cook for yourself at tymz,hata kama hujui kupika let the effort be seen and appreciated..the author of this article gives his version "After I got divorced I missed home cooked meals and the only person I had to rely on was the guy in the mirror. Plus, I found it impressed women if you could cook a good meal. Once, very shortly after I started cooking for myself, I had a first date with a woman I really wanted to make a good impression on. Of course, I could have done the usual celebrity thing: fancy restaurant, signing autographs, wait-staff fawning. But I wanted this to be special, so I decided to cook for her, everything from soup to dessert. Some women get a little freaked seeing a 7’2” black man with a carving knife and butcher’s apron, but she appreciated the effort. Which was good because the soup was a little salty, the steak a little overcooked, and the flan a little watery…

12. When choosing someone to date, compassion is better than passion. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be passionate. That’s a given. But look for signs that she shows genuine compassion toward others. That will keep you interested in her a lot longer.

13. Do one thing every day that helps someone else. This isn’t about charity, this is about helping one individual you know by name. Maybe it means calling your parents, helping a buddy move, or lending a favorite jazz album to Chocolate Fingers McGee.

14. Do more for the community. This is about charity, extended to people close by whose names you don’t know. You can always do more.

15. Do one thing every day that you look forward to doing. It’s easy to get caught up in the enormous responsibilities of daily life. The To Do List can swallow your day. make sure you have one thing on that list that you look forward to doing.

16. Don’t be so quick to judge. It’s human nature to instantly judge others. It goes back to our ancient life-or-death need to decide whether to fight or flee. But in their haste to size others up, people are often wrong.
We miss out on knowing some exceptional people by doing that.

17. When breaking up with a woman, you can’t always remain friends.(this goes to my bros) the author says "I have managed to stay friends with many of the women I have dated because I truly liked and respected them. But sometimes emotions run too deep and efforts to remain friends, while that might help you feel better, actually might make the other person feel worse. Take the hit and let it go.

18. Watch more TV. Yeah, you heard right, i watch it day and night....

19. Do more yoga.  It isn’t just for the physical benefits, it’s for the mental benefits that will come in handy in the years ahead, when your house burns down, your jazz collection perishes, and you lose to the Pistons in a four-game sweep in your final season.

20. Everything doesn’t have to be fixed. Relax,Some stuff can be fixed, some stuff can’t be. Deciding which is which is part of maturing...

Life lessons from
Many Thanks to my and only true true person..hehhe..for the link...
Much appreciated.

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The Elliots

The success of a man can be measured by so many parameters depending on how you consider it. But what serves arguably as the best measurement is his ability to become a responsible husband and father; a mantle Desmond Elliot has been able to master with distinction.
Not only does the couple have four wonderful kids together, Desmond’s wife quit her lucrative banking job to join her husband in the movie industry managing the affairs of his movie production company.(marriage comes with sacrifice, self denial)
The two support each other effortlessly and it’s worth it that the joy shared internal exudes outwardly and adds to the joy of celebrating his family with movie fans.
Desmond Elliot-africanmoviesnews



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Kim K...on her heels with swollen feet..

Ma papparazi hawana dogo...
wakamake sure wame snap snap miguu..

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Nice evening white out fits..


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Lovely pair....

My bbf watsups me that she dreamed about me "bff u had twins,,gals".....and she makes me smile the whole day,,,
I then get this picture in my head,,,.aint they lovely??


I hope n hope n hope,,a day comes....

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What happens when the bride and groom cant hold back "Usingizi"

Hivi like serious, Maharusi wanaeza pata usingizi na wakashindwa kujizuia??
Inasemekana hii ilitokea huko kwa kina chi chu chan,,ndoa zilikua zinafungwa nyingi na hawa maharusi wawili wakaambukizana "madebe yao ya usingizi"...yani full kukoroma kanisani...imagine hiyo!!!
Bride And Groom Sleeping During Mass Wedding
What do you think??
For the sleep lovers"kama mimi" sishangai ..hehhehe

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The S3xy moma..Omotola

Omotola shares her recent pictures in New york at one event "Maxim hot 100 party",,she is said to be moving around with A-list hollywood celebrities..


Kula Shavu mama..
Lovely Body..
Miakaaa 10000

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Candy's 4 Count down from East Africa.

I love our Music,,naongelea kitu cha east Africa..
Been listenn to this four song over
and over again....

#1...Kiboko ya Amani(just love verything about this song,,sijui maybe Amani makes me love the song..the dancing too is muito nice)

#2...Nataka Kulewa ya Diamond..(hehhe love the video.."tilalilaaa,,,")ooh mapenzii!!!

#3...Haba haba ya Stella Mwangi...(this was performed in the message)haba haba hujaz kibaba..

#4...Me and You..Ommy Dimpoz&miss Mdee...(love the combooo)

Nice weekend..

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WHERE YOU BELONG If Joseph had been overwhelmed by his situation in the dry pit, he would have given in to despair. If he had been over-excited at the good treatment he received in the house of Potiphar, he would have given in to pleasure and pride.  In other words, his dream would have died in him and the promise of God would not have come to fulfilment. But Joseph knew there was something far more important than his present situation – the promise of God for his life, his dream and goal. He waxed strong in his faith by looking steadfastly and only at the promise of God for his life.  He was a child of promise.   A child of promise knows where he belongs. If you know where you belong, you would not allow anything to overwhelm you, manipulate you or dictate your direction.  You will stay focused on the divine cause and course of God for your life and continue to run the straight race through God’s good grace. No matter the obstacles on your way to the destination, you will always find ways of building bridges which close the gap from where you are now to your destination, even when everything around you seems to suggest that there is no hope or future. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2).

If Joseph had been overwhelmed by his situation in the dry pit, he would have given in to despair. If he had been over-excited at the good treatment he received in the house of Potiphar, he would have given in to pleasure and pride. In other words, his dream would have died in him and the promise of God would not have come to fulfilment. But Joseph knew there was something far more important than his present situation – the promise of God for his life, his dream and goal. He waxed strong in his faith by looking steadfastly and only at the promise of God for his life. He was a child of promise.

A child of promise knows where he belongs. If you know where you belong, you would not allow anything to overwhelm you, manipulate you or dictate your direction. You will stay focused on the divine cause and course of God for your life and continue to run the straight race through God’s good grace. No matter the obstacles on your way to the destination, you will always find ways of building bridges which close the gap from where you are now to your destination, even when everything around you seems to suggest that there is no hope or future. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Some Sabadoz smiles at church's new building on construction(on process)...yes we re building our church...


Feliz Sabbado..

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6 Latest movies that will make you stay glued to your sofa.

We love movies, or i should say i love is another way of relaxing and learning things we did not know....
Lets get down to some of the latest  movies with my taste.

1.Bling ring

2.The great Gatsby(av seen the trailer and oooh must watch this)..

3.The big Wedding(The Griffin’s ex-spouses could not stand each other for twenty years now. But they agree to act as a happy family at all cost during the wedding of their son Jared...

4.Olympus has fallen(The White House is captured by terrorists and the President is taken hostage. Mike Banning, a discredited former Presidential guard, happens to be inside the occupied building

5.The last stand(The most dangerous and notorious gang of drug dealers escapes from an FBI convoy. Taking a hostage, they are heading towards the Mexican border in an armored, fully-equipped car

6.Admission(Portia Nathan is an admission officer at a prestigious university, she rules sway the destinies of many teenagers. But how her own destiny can be managed

Lets also look at some nice smiles from good people at the cannes,,,eyes on fashion too..

Emma Watson, Israel Broussard

Ilda Santiago, Zhang Ziyi
Fan Bingbing

Zhang Ziyi
Christophe Guillarme, Josephine Jobert
Lana Del Rey
Leonardo DiCaprio
Di caprio,,on the the great Gatsby

Nice weekend ma people

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