Am sure some of my close people must be wondering why i took so long to write anything about my bff wedding.
Well i took my time.
It feels different when your bff, the girl you have been with and grown up together leaving that life you still in, it gives you fear that the friendship between you is gone and feels like now you have lost your bff and that no more can you share the "crazy and whatever things you used to share"..
Well, well...
Am happy about the decision she made in her life....
Am sure she feels complete, loved and the most important part is that she has her own family now.(cant wait to be an aunt)
Your wedding was a training ground for me,
Had the most wonderful experience and at least now i know the hustles involved in weddings.I never had a clue...(just happens than am not into events so much)
We shared the headaches and though at times it felt like nothing was going right but everything well.
I got one word for you"that is love your husband with all your heart and learn to fix things where they break, as nothing is thrown away when it breaks"
My shemeji Poo..
"please always make my bff, happy and beautful, mantain that happy face of hers and etc etc"
Wishing you a happy marriage..
With Love.
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